Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Make Inflatable Punching Help With An Inflatable Punch Bag ?

Help with an inflatable punch bag ? - how to make inflatable punching

I recently purchased an inflatable punching bag, while inflation and certainly not remain so and, if entered hit /. I tryed to fill the base with water to see if they've entered, but if perforated / again, not again.

Are there any suggestions as to what to use to wire or suggestions on how to stand and insist blows / kicks?


The Shadow said...

Sand or soil is better, heavier than water and when the bag is leaking, it will not be flooded! Air bags are not very good, because even if they are filled with air and gives them little information. You are better off with a sack full of sand or filler, but bags have advantages as a mobile. With the sand!

Tracy L said...


soccerch... said...

Fill the bottom of sand, and maybe even a little water to get wet!

Im Gumby Dannit! said...

Frankly, I would get it, and a bag of truth.

D.W said...

I think it is possible that the position, but in all honesty, their struggle against a losing battle here. A jackhammer is bad, will provide little benefit if you are hard to reduce the degree and will not be able to get in step pace.

Maybe buy the real thing is not practical for you, but you can have your time with him.

Gary M said...

Buy a bag of real boxing.?

Jay Bee said...

These things are not made to withstand any real power, for its novelty. My suggestion is a real punching bag with gloves, gowns and other purchase by addition. Inflatable Punching or kicking something is not really done something good for you anyway.

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