Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tropical Fish Filter 24/7 Tropical Fish Tank: Do U Keep Filter, Light, Heater On 24/7?

Tropical fish tank: do u keep filter, light, heater on 24/7? - tropical fish filter 24/7

Always leave the light, heat and filter? Even in the night? so no more fish for ten days after the creation, but only to ask.



cherryxl... said...

Filter and heating really

As for the lights, mines and 8 clock and of course again when a school on the morning run at 6:30, but turning on a weekend is usually around 8: 30 But you should probably give the fish a little too dark =]

Tuessis said...

According to previous answers, keep the heater and filter, turning off the lights in the night. I urge you to reconsider the "10 days" after the installation - this may not have sufficient time to allow a new reservoir, settle in quickly - buys a fish to test the water before you realize your first fish in the tank.

Good luck with everything!

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