Friday, January 15, 2010

Lacto Vegetarian Diet Is A Vegan Diet Really More Beneficial Than A Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet?

Is a vegan diet really more beneficial than a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet? - lacto vegetarian diet

It is ethically, but depends on how far one is willing to go.

Health-wise, it is difficult to obtain all the necessary without supplements - at least, vitamin B12 or eating something to take with vitamin B12 (such as enriched soy milk), too.

Would you feel better as a vegan? A vegan diet is for you personally sustainable? These are the questions.


Faye said...

Dairy products have been a number of problems such as acne, anemia, arthritis, deficit disorder Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD, fibromyalgia, headaches connected, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel, joint pain, osteoporosis, impaired immune function, allergies, ear infections, colic, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autism, Crohn's disease, breast and prostate cancer, yeast infections and cancer of the ovaries.

If a woman is pregnant and does not drink alcohol or drugs to her unborn child, the right influences? Right. Well, it's the same with chickens and eggs were collected. When eating eggs, which all have the same hormones, pesticides, food, chemicals, and steroids, as if eating chicken directly. So if you really think you eat egg whites only "is not fat, I land in the Caribbean, you can sell. Eggs in saturated fat and completely disgusting high if you think you eat taste. It once. In the Indeed, think about what they eat!

And Jesse are incorrect. Who can get enough vitamin D simply by the sun. I thought everyone knew. It is necessary to research on this topic.

B-12 can be of animal products or cultures of bacteria. The alternatives are fortified soymilk, nutritional yeast and fortified meat substitutes imitation. Vitamin B-12 is often listed as "cyanocobalamin" on food labels. Health professionals report that vegan Vegan received 5.10 mcg / day of vitamin B-12 fortified foods or dietary supplements.

静 said...

Dairy products for breast, prostate and testicular cancer combined
Eggs have high cholesterol.
Vegans do not B12 and D, provided they are not substantially completed.

I would say yes.

Reg said...

Not really.

One Word Answer Man said...


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